AP Sharks

ABOUT our Advanced Preparation (AP) PROGRAM

Offered in Fall, Winter and Spring, the AP program was created to bridge the gap between Recreation Soccer (Rec) and Travel Soccer. While Sharks Rec Soccer is open to anyone, AP players are chosen based on their skill and coachability and must be invited or attend a tryout to play. The AP Sharks provides players between 6 and 8 years old with licensed coaching and competitive games with the goal of preparing them for full travel when they graduate. The idea is to provide equal amounts of challenge and success to budding soccer players in order to foster the love of the game while providing the technical and tactical foundation for them to become successful soccer players as they get older.

About Our Curriculum

Our curriculum is designed to be fun for the players while focusing on teaching proper fundamentals and technique. AP coaches are chosen based on their soccer background and ability to work with young athletes. It is imperative they have experience coaching and playing in order to competently demonstrate and explain various techniques and tactics. AP coaches dedicate a significant amount of practice time to focusing on technical development and try to coach tactics in the moment while avoiding lines, lectures and laps.

Why Choose our AP Program

Advanced Preparation is strongly encouraged prior to travel soccer because of its introductory elements. Rather than the single weekly practice seen in the Sharks Rec League, AP Sharks will practice twice a week. We will play our regular season games in our own AP League with multiple play dates against the AP equivalent from other local clubs. This schedule begins to mirror travel soccer commitments.

The Tidewater Sharks put a great deal of emphasis on the AP program because it is a fundamental stepping stone for long-term player development. Typically, players participate in the AP program for 1-2 years before making the jump to one of our top young teams.


Spring/Fall seasons - $235

Winter season - $135

 What is Included:

  • Fall & Winter training (2x week Fall & 1x week Winter)

  • Additional Winter Indoor Tournament (3v3 or Futsal)

  • Coaches Background Checks

  • Player Cards & Insurance

  • Sharks Staff Support

  • County facility use fees

  • County facility use lights

  • Administrative fees

  • Coaches stipend & expenses

  • Fall AP & Winter League fees


Contact us about our AP Program